Board Certified Periodontist, Dr. Scott O. Kissel

How do Dental Microsurgical Techniques Help with Crown Lengthening and Other Periodontics?

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Recently I have incorporated a surgical microscope into the New York City practice.  Microsurgery was introduced to the specialty of Periodontics in 1992.  We are all familiar with the advantages of increased magnification and illumination, but it is now recognized that magnification has more to offer than corrective vision.  Ergonomic benefits and improved clinical skills are well documented.

There are number of benefits that micro-surgery can bring to a traditional crown lengthening procedure. Crown lengthening is the process by which a dental professional pulls away gum and reshapes the bone tissue from the top of a tooth to expose more of the tooth. It is a common procedure for those that have teeth that are perhaps decayed or a lower gum line. Crown lengthening can provide immense cosmetic benefits.

Over the past several months I have replaced traditional cosmetic crown lengthening, root coverage, bone regeneration, implant and sinus lift techniques with microsurgical techniques, instruments, and sutures for my New York City patients.  This allows for very fine motor skills of the hand; resulting in accurate incisions, flaps that are elevated with minimal damage, and wounds that are precisely closed without tension.  For the patients, this creates minimal or no post-surgical discomfort.  For me as well as the patients the results utilizing these techniques have been startling!!  The end point appearance of microsurgery is simply superior to that of conventional surgery.  The microscope is a tool that permits less traumatic and less invasive surgery.

Microsurgical techniques encourage repair through primary healing, which is rapid and requires less formation of granulation tissue or scar tissue.  Wound healing studies show anastomosis of microsurgical wounds within 48 hours.  Secondary wound healing is slower because new tissue formation is required to fill the voids at the edge of the partially closed wound.  Because surgical trauma is minimized during microsurgery, less cell damage and necrosis occur.  This means less inflammation and reduced pain.

Periodontal microsurgery does not compete with conventional periodontal surgery.  It is an evolution of surgical techniques to permit reduced trauma.  Its methodology improves existing surgical practice, therefore, resulting in better patient care. In fact, microsurgery refers to techniques developed through the use of greater magnification to achieve the same ends with higher precision and quality. It’s not so revolutionary as to entirely replace traditional knowledge, and the skilled dentist will mix their traditional techniques and skills with the new technology to better treat patients.

Below are two photographs demonstrating cosmetic crown lengthening.  The photo on the left shows traditional techniques and the one on the right microscopic techniques.  The differences are dramatic and the healing period for the microscopic technique is greatly reduced.

Patients at my office can be sure that they are receiving only the best in care, and a periodontist at the forefront of technology in the field. If you are a person in the New York City area looking for crown lengthening services or just looking for a better smile, call (212) 702-9088 for a consultation to discuss your options.

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