Board Certified Periodontist, Dr. Scott O. Kissel

How Much Time Should I Wait to Get Dental Implants After an Extraction?

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When men and women visit Dr. Kissel for tooth extraction, many of them want to know how long they should wait before they can replace their tooth or teeth with dental implants. Obviously, it’s important for many people that they have their tooth replaced as quickly as possible, but will they have to be inconvenienced and wait to get their oral function and aesthetics back?

Because every patient is different and every treatment plan varies, the answer to how long you should wait to get dental implants after an extraction varies. Some dental implants can be placed the same day as an extraction, while others will need to be delayed to allow the jawbone to heal.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

Because Dr. Kissel believes in using a conservative approach toward any procedure he performs, he will do whatever he can to preserve your natural tooth before deciding to remove it completely. You can trust that he will make the best recommendation for you and your overall wellbeing.

If he does believe your tooth needs to be extracted, he will use a microsurgery approach using increased magnification, illumination, smaller instruments, and Piezosurgery technology, which targets only hard tissues and leaves soft tissues untouched. This approach also allows him to reshape the tooth root and remove it with less trauma, which provides patients with little-to-no pain and swelling.

Dr. Kissel’s microsurgical approach to extractions protects the surrounding bone, which means many of his patients are eligible for immediate placement of dental implants after their tooth or teeth have been removed.

Placing Same-Day Dental Implants

By using a microscopic surgical procedure to perform tooth extractions, Dr. Kissel is able to preserve the bone and gum tissue and provide patients with ideal aesthetics and functional results.

The beauty of placing dental implants the same day as extraction is that when the tooth is removed, the open socket is ready to receive an implant. This prevents patients from experiencing a healing process after their extraction only to return and have the same area operated on again.

Once he removes the tooth, Dr. Kissel will place bone grafting material around the implant, so the socket is filled completely, and the natural contours of your jawbone and gums are preserved. To complete the immediate placement of your dental implant, sometimes Dr. Kissel will then attach a temporary crown on top so you will not lose any oral function.

By placing dental implants the same day as an extraction avoids the need for many months of healing, and instead, an extracted tooth can be restored with a final crown in a matter of weeks.

If for some reason, you are not eligible to receive dental implants the same day of your extraction, Dr. Kissel will develop a plan that will allow your bone to heal and an implant to be placed at an appropriate time so you can experience the best results possible.

Call Dr. Kissel to Find Out More About Your Tooth Extraction Needs

Before you make the decision to have a tooth extracted, call Dr. Kissel to discuss your needs specifically. You can rest assured that he will take great care to restore your oral function as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Call his office today at (212) 702-9088 or contact him online to schedule your initial consultation.

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