Board Certified Periodontist, Dr. Scott O. Kissel

Implants Infected Sites

structure of dental implant

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Another article in the Journal of Periodontology, Fresh-Socket Implants in Periapical Infected Sites in Humans, by Crespi, Roberto, deserves attention.
Journal of Periodontology
Mar 2010, Vol. 81, No. 3, Pages 378-383
© 2010 American Academy of Periodontology

The aim of this study is to compare the outcome of the immediate placement of dental implants when used in the replacement of teeth with and without chronic periapical lesions.

Method: 30 patients requiring a single tooth extraction of a premolar tooth were selected. The control group included 15 patients without periapical lesions but with root caries and root fractures. The test group included 15 patients with periapical lesions, periapical radiolucencies and no signs of pain, fistulas, or suppuration. Thirty teeth were extracted, and implants were immediately positioned in fresh sockets dn loaded after 3 months in both groups.

Results: At 24 months a survival rate of 100% was reported for all implants. There were no significant differences in any clinical parameters between the control and test group. There was an equally favorable soft and hard tissue integration of the implants, revealing a predictable outcome.

This study confirms previous studies by other authors confirming successful implant survival in periapical infected sites.

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