Board Certified Periodontist, Dr. Scott O. Kissel

Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery reshapes the bone that holds your teeth in place. The goal is to reduce pocketing and to stop the progress of periodontal disease.

In the surgery, the periodontist removes infection from diseased roots and bone, reshapes the bone’s surface, and creates a tighter connection between gum tissue and the teeth.


While osseous surgery patients can achieve effective results, Dr. Scott Kissel typically recommends alternative procedures first. Proven non-invasive techniques can often resolve periodontal disease without cutting or stitches.

Osseous Surgery vs. LANAP®

Osseous surgery requires the use of a scalpel, sutures, and special instruments to remove tartar and calculus from your teeth. The scalpel gives a periodontist visibility into the gum pocket so that he can clean the area.

However, traditional surgery can create gum recession because it incises more healthy tissue. You may experience more discomfort and sensitivity as a result.


For several years, Dr. Kissel has used the laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP) as a preliminary treatment for osseous surgery candidates. It is a minimally invasive laser treatment that:


  • Conserves healthy tissue and targets diseased tissue.
  • Prevents gum recession and cosmetic issues.
  • Causes less pain, bleeding, and downtime.


By combining microscope technology with LANAP, Dr. Kissel can efficiently and expertly remove enough unhealthy tissue that many patients do not require osseous surgery as a follow-up procedure.

What Can Osseous Surgery Patients Expect?

Some people still require surgery after LANAP. If you need a follow-up procedure, Dr. Kissel will:


  • Invite you to relax in our Tempur-Pedic® dental chair and watch a movie, listen to music, or just take in the view of the Manhattan skyline.
  • Give you a local anesthetic so that you don’t feel any pain.
  • Use microsurgery and microsurgical instruments to make the procedure as non-invasive as possible.
  • Using microsurgery he opens a tiny space between the gums and teeth to access the roots and surrounding bone.
  • Clean the roots, and perform steps to allow your own body to regenerate new tissues.
  • Place micro-stitches to conclude the procedure.


After the surgery, you will have no swelling or sensitivity. Dr. Kissel may prescribe antibiotics before, during, and after the treatment to prevent infection. After a week or two, you’ll return to our practice so that Dr. Kissel can check your progress and remove any stitches.

Osseous surgery patients can learn whether they are good candidates for LANAP instead by scheduling an appointment. Call 212-702-9088 or contact us online and schedule your consultation today!


Open Hours

Monday to Friday

8:30am – 5pm

New York Periodontist Scott O. Kissel