Board Certified Periodontist, Dr. Scott O. Kissel

Protect Your Oral Health With Personalized Gum Disease Treatment and Prevention Tips

Maintaining good oral health is essential for well-being, and it all starts with healthy gums. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common condition caused by the buildup of plaque and bacteria on the teeth and gums, which can lead to inflammation, infection, and damage to the supporting structures of the teeth.


Bacteria from late-stage gum disease can enter the bloodstream and potentially lead to coronary artery disease, along with other health issues such as lung disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and poor blood sugar control. If left untreated, periodontal disease can also result in tooth loss, systemic infections, and other serious health problems. Therefore, understanding the signs, causes, and treatments of gum disease is crucial for maintaining healthy gums and a healthy smile.


Our NYC dentist wants to ensure that your oral health is in excellent condition. To schedule an appointment, contact NYC Periodontics and Implant Dentistry today by calling 212-702-9088.

Causes of Gum Disease

There are several potential causes for gum disease including:

Tips for Preventing Gum Disease

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

The best way to prevent periodontal disease is to practice good oral hygiene habits. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash. You should also be visiting your local dentist for regular checkups and professional cleanings twice a year. 

Quit Smoking

Smoking is a major risk factor for gum disease. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your oral health. Smoking weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off gum infections.

Limit Your Sugar Intake

Eating a diet high in sugar can increase your risk of periodontal disease. Sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth, leading to the formation of dental plaque and tartar. To prevent gum disease, limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks and choose healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly 

Regular dental cleanings and checkups are essential for preventing gum disease. Recognizing gum disease symptoms such as bleeding and swelling gums, tender or bloody gums, receding gums, persistent bad breath, and loose teeth is crucial.

Your dentist can detect early warning signs of gum disease and provide treatment before it becomes more serious. We can also remove tartar and plaque that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone.

Consider Treatments

If you’re at a high risk of developing periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend additional treatments to prevent it. These treatments may include professional dental cleanings, scaling and root planing, or antibiotic therapy.

Use a Water Flosser

A water flosser is a device that uses a stream of water to clean between your teeth and along the gum line. It can be especially helpful for people who have trouble flossing with traditional dental floss. Using a water flosser can help remove plaque, prevent tooth decay, and reduce other risk factors of gum disease.

Manage Stress

Stress can weaken your immune system and make it harder for your body to fight off infections, including gum disease. To prevent gum disease, try to manage your stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can brushing too hard cause gum disease?

Yes, brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can cause damage to the gum tissue and lead to receding gums. This can increase your risk of developing gum disease. 

Are there any home remedies for receding gums?

While there are no home remedies that can cure gum disease, there are steps you can take to improve your oral health and prevent the disease from progressing. One of the most important things you can do is maintain good oral hygiene habits. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash. Sticking to an oral hygiene routine helps reduce the amount of food particles that get behind and keeps your teeth and gums healthy.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that’s low in sugar and high in fruits and vegetables can also help prevent plaque buildup. Additionally, avoiding tobacco products is important, as smoking and chewing tobacco can contribute to gum disease.

Is it important to use mouthwash to prevent gum disease?

While mouthwash can be a helpful addition to your oral hygiene routine, it shouldn’t be relied on as the sole method of preventing gum disease. Mouthwash can help kill bacteria and freshen your breath, but it’s not a substitute for brushing and flossing.

Don’t Let Gum Disease Take a Bite Out of Your Health

At our gum-focused dental practice in NYC, Dr. Kissel and our team are committed to providing expert care and personalized attention to help you prevent and treat gum disease. Untreated gum disease can lead to serious oral health issues such as loose teeth, which require prompt attention from a dental professional. 

Contact us today at 212-702-9088 to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward achieving optimal oral health.
