Before you make the decision to have a tooth extraction, we recommend meeting with an experienced periodontist. Dr. Scott Kissel uses a conservative approach to guide tooth extraction patients through a comprehensive diagnosis. Often, he can help you preserve teeth that have decay and or bone loss (periodontal disease). In cases that do require tooth extraction, he conducts procedures using gentle and accurate microsurgical techniques.
Almost all teeth can be removed without cutting the gum tissue and with little pressure exerted on the surrounding bone, gum, or adjacent teeth. However, traditional simple tooth removal and surgical extraction often uses gum and/or bone surgery to pull out the tooth. These approaches are faster, but they can cause pain, more complex reconstruction, and a lengthier recovery.
Dr. Kissel supports tooth extraction patients with an advanced microsurgical approach. He employs increased magnification, illumination, smaller instruments, and Piezosurgery technology, which is atraumatic to hard tissue while leaving soft tissue untouched. Better vision also allows him to reshape the tooth root and remove it with less trauma. As a result, you can expect little-to-no pain and swelling.
By utilizing microsurgical instruments and techniques, Dr. Kissel offers patients:
Dr. Kissel’s skill, precision, and experience help you avoid the most difficult part of extraction while still removing damaged or decaying teeth.
If Dr. Kissel believes that your teeth can be preserved, he will use bone regeneration procedures to reconstruct the lost bone supporting the tooth.
If you require tooth extraction, Dr. Kissel will:
Because of the low-impact approach microsurgery offers, you can expect to be back to normal activities after your procedure, managing any discomfort with Advil, Tylenol, or another over-the-counter medication.
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Monday to Friday
8:30am – 5pm