What Is The Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontal Disease?

a graphic image showing the stages of gum disease

Whether you’ve heard the terms “gingivitis” and “periodontal disease” from toothpaste ads or from your general dentist, you may be wondering if the two words are interchangeable. They’re not. Gingivitis is actually the first stage of periodontal disease. And if left untreated, it can progress to a more serious stage of periodontal disease called periodontitis. […]

How Does a Periodontist Treat Periodontal Disease?

Closeup of happy woman embracing boyfriend outdoors

If you’ve been told that you have periodontal disease, treatment planning should start immediately. By acting quickly and diligently, periodontal disease can be reversed, restoring your dental health and protecting your overall health, as advanced stages of periodontal disease increase patients’ risk for heart disease and stroke. If a general dentist diagnosed you with periodontal […]

What You Need to Know About Periodontal Disease Treatments In New York City

periodontal disease chart of symptoms and causes of gum disease

Your dentist or periodontist just told you that you have deep pockets around your teeth and you need periodontal treatment. It is important for you to know about current opinions in the dental community regarding periodontal disease treatments and what your options are. The primary cause of periodontal disease is excessive plaque and calculus on […]

LANAP Vs Traditional Gum Disease Treatments


Periodontal disease can be one of the most difficult dental conditions to treat. There are various factors that can affect the patient’s clinical outcome. For instance, genetics, smoking, home care habits, diet, and systemic health conditions can affect the outcome of gum disease treatment in NYC. Previous options presented to patients for treatment were limited […]

How Can LANAP Treat Bleeding Gums?

NYC periodontist, Dr. Kissel, with female patient using Perioscope to show her the treatment for Periodontitis

Seeing pink in the sink after brushing? You aren’t alone. One of the most common oral health problems in New York City, bleeding gums are experienced by many. If you notice that your gums are bleeding—either during brushing or at other points in the day—now is the time to find out what’s causing the condition […]

Tips to Prevent Periodontal Disease

Middle Aged Lady Smiling In Green Cardigan Copy

Do you have a family history of periodontal disease? Have you heard about how periodontal disease can lead to unwanted complications, like tooth loss, and want to do everything in your power to avoid contracting this infection? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, New York City periodontist Dr. Kissel […]
