Board Certified Periodontist, Dr. Scott O. Kissel

Proper Oral Hygiene for Your Dental Implants

Mature Couple Brushing Teeth In Mirror Reflection

Table of Contents

Why You Should Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

Your dental implants should be treated with the same care as your natural teeth. This means that proper oral hygiene – brushing and regular flossing – is necessary to protect both the teeth and, especially, the gums, which are vulnerable to bacterial decay and periodontal disease. Since your implants are constructed of inorganic material you can’t get cavities, however, you can still get gum disease. Gum disease can be serious because it can complicate the bone fusion process of dental implants and lead to dental implant failure. What’s more, failing to properly care for your implants, can result in an infection underneath your implants called peri-implantitis, which can also cause your implants to become loose or fall out. Overall, proper hygiene and regular visits to your dentist can help you maintain your dental implants in excellent condition for a lifetime.

How To Best Protect Your Dental Implants

Dr. Kissel has always advised his New York patients to ensure that they protect their implants by adhering to the following:

  • Brush their teeth twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and low-abrasive toothpaste;
  • Brush under and around the implant crown;
  • To properly clean hard-to-reach teeth, use a nylon coated interdental brush;
  • Floss every day with unwaxed tape or implant-specific floss prior to brushing;
  • It is recommended to use a Waterpik or oral irrigator to remove as much plaque and food debris as possible;
  • Come in for bi-annual checkups, even if they have a full mouth of dental implants; and
  • Visit Dr. Kissel at the first sign of infection around your dental implants, no matter how long it was since you had them placed.

Visiting Dr. Kissel for Bi-Annual Checkups 

When you visit Dr. Kissel, he will perform a probe of your dental implants as part of the maintenance procedure. He uses instruments to gently look through the gingival sulcus (the tiny fold between your gums and your teeth) to assess the health of your periodontium and the implant. Dr. Kissel may also take X-rays of your implants to determine how well they have integrated into your jawbone and their overall health.

Visiting Your Hygienist

Your dental hygienist is also important in keeping your gums and dental implants disease-free and in excellent condition. However, your hygienist should use special scalers made of plastics and resins to thoroughly clean them without scratching or damaging your crowns.

If you have dental implants or are considering having dental implants installed, call Dr. Kissel at (212) 702-9088  or contact him online to book your consultation and find more about the proper maintenance of dental implants and if they are the right option for you.

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