Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Dental Microsurgery

Microsurgery gum grafting by Dr. Kissel in his NYC office

Dental microsurgery is a revolutionary technique that uses a dental microscope and fiber optic lighting system to perform dental procedures with more precision, accuracy, and comfort. Whether you need dental implants, gum grafting, gum disease treatments, tooth extractions, crown lengthening, or any other periodontal surgery, dental microsurgery can offer you many benefits over traditional methods. […]

The Benefits of Dental Microsurgery Procedures

Microsurgery gum grafting by Dr. Kissel in his NYC office

Your dental health plays a crucial role in your overall well-being, fortunately, advancements in dentistry have led to innovative procedures to enhance treatment outcomes. One such remarkable advancement is dental microsurgery. Recognizing the numerous benefits of dental microsurgery procedures, Dr Kissel was one of the first periodontists in the USA who received specialized training from […]

Prevent Tooth Loss With Guided Tissue Regeneration

Before and after x-rays of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) performed by Dr. Kissel

Are you in danger of losing teeth due to periodontal disease (gum disease)? Bone loss is one of the most devastating effects of advanced gum disease. Unfortunately, as jaw bone decreases in height your teeth lose their surrounding support and eventually begin to fall out. Dr. Kissel can help you reverse the effects of bone […]

Dental Implant Microsurgery

Elderly Female Embracing and Kissing Mature Male From Behind after dental implant microsurgery

Dr. Kissel uses dental implant microsurgery techniques that make the surgery more accurate and recovery time easier and faster
